derped wrote in splendorooc Jun 13, 2011 23:19
this post! it belongs to me!, i brought the headlight fluid, bluh bluh, can we seriously use the tags like this?,, these tags are crowding, this game is now 100% more 100%, /ogles this comm, *mouthbreathes behind you*, do you even know who i am yet, wait can i tag with anything, sign up, life is sweet, spaaam, /sunglasses, um, 3 points you dirty whore, do you even know who this is yet, gonna renovate your ass, i love you guys, dorp, here's a story from north america, mary what are you doing in these tags, i demand more tags in this post, is this enough tags yet, you're welcome ladies, this game is now incredibly gary
bitely wrote in splendorooc Apr 28, 2011 14:41
the khr cast is crowding, bites all the things, gay mafia, tl;dr, these tags are crowding, gay flaming pokemon mafia, idk amano, idek, balls of steel, wao wao wao, is the h in herbivore silent